Effortlessly Manage Your Books
With Our  3PM Trusted Accounting Services

Mackenzie Height Plaza
''As a customer of 3PM Real Estate Services Inc, I've been incredibly impressed with their level of service. Right after they took over the management of my property, they immediately noticed that the common costs had been miscalculated for many years by the previous property management company. Not only did they identify this issue, but they also helped me negotiate and successfully recover over $30,000. This experience has really highlighted for me the importance of choosing a property management company that is both thorough and proactive.''

The Importance of Accurate Financial Management in Property Management

Accurate financial management is the cornerstone of effective property management. It ensures that common costs are correctly calculated and allocated, preventing overcharges and financial losses for property owners. This accuracy is critical in maintaining trust and reliability between property owners and management companies.

Client Testimonial Highlight

A client of 3PM Real Estate Services Inc shared their experience, emphasizing the immediate impact made by the company. After taking over the property management duties, 3PM quickly noticed that the common costs had been miscalculated for many years, leading to significant overcharges.

How 3PM Real Estate Services Stands Out

3PM Real Estate Services Inc distinguishes itself through its meticulous approach to financial management and its dedication to client satisfaction. The team's ability to swiftly identify and rectify financial discrepancies demonstrates their expertise and commitment to their clients' financial wellbeing.
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Our Experiences

Besides working with start-up enterprises as a partner for digitalization, we have built enterprise products for common pain points that we have encountered in various products and projects.


We choose our teams carefully. Our people are the secret to great work.


From boarding passes to movie tickets, there's pretty much nothing you can't store with Preline.

Non Strata Multifamily

Our documentation and extensive Client libraries contain everything a business needs to build a custom integration.

Multi Units

We actively pursue the right balance between functionality and aesthetics, creating delightful experiences.

Immediate Identification of Cost Miscalculation

Upon review, 3PM discovered the miscalculation that had gone unnoticed for years. This proactive identification showcases the company's thorough understanding of property management finances and its dedication to accuracy.

Negotiation and Recovery of Overcharges

Following the discovery, 3PM initiated negotiations on behalf of their client, successfully recovering over $30,000 in Missed charged fees. This recovery not only corrected a longstanding error but also reinstated a sense of justice and trust for the client.
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Designed to increase passive income while minimizing risk.


3PM Real Estate Services Inc provides accurate and efficient Accounting services, including reconciliation, financial statements, tax preparation, & payroll administration. Enhance your financial management today.


Streamline invoice management with 3PM's Outsourced Bookkeeping. Enjoy accurate, real-time data using cutting-edge software. Experience hassle-free invoicing today.

Financial Reporting

Gain valuable insights with Financial Reporting services. We provide accurate financial record management, bank reconciliation, tax preparation, and tailored solutions.

Data Entry

Ensure accurate data entry with our Virtual Bookkeeping Services. We handle AP/AR, bank reconciliations, and provide detailed financial reports using cutting-edge technology.

Accounts Receivable

Effectively manage your accounts receivable with 3PM's online bookkeeping services. We provide expert guidance and timely administration to optimize your financial operations.

Payroll Services

Maximize efficiency with 3PM's payroll services. We ensure accurate and timely management, handling processing, tax filings, and customization to drive business growth.

The Impact of Choosing the Right Property Management Company

The choice of property management company can have a profound impact on a property's financial health. The experience of 3PM's client illustrates the significant benefits of selecting a company with a strong focus on financial accuracy and client advocacy.

Financial Accuracy and Trust

Trust between property owners and their management company is paramount. Financial discrepancies, if not addressed, can erode this trust. 3PM Real Estate Services' commitment to financial accuracy helps maintain and build this trust, ensuring a solid partnership.
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The Significance of Client Testimonials

Client testimonials are a powerful testament to a company's service quality and effectiveness. They provide real-world examples of how the company addresses and resolves issues, adding credibility and trustworthiness.

Real Examples from 3PM Clients

Several clients have shared their positive experiences with 3PM, highlighting the company's ability to solve complex financial issues and its dedication to their best interests.
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Success Story: Vancouver Property Management Firm Increases NOI by 30% in One Year

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Jimmy ng
Managing Broker

The Process of Rectifying Financial Discrepancies

3PM's process involves a detailed review of financial records, identification of discrepancies, negotiation for corrections, and recovery of any overcharges. This comprehensive approach ensures that clients' financial interests are protected and maximized.

Key Considerations When Selecting a Property Management Company

When choosing a property management company, consider their expertise in financial management, commitment to transparency, and ability to act in the client's best interest. These factors are crucial in ensuring the long-term success of your real estate investment.

Expertise in Financial Management

A company's expertise in financial management can be a decisive factor in its ability to manage properties effectively. This includes accurate budgeting, expense tracking, and financial reporting.
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Commitment to Transparency and Communication

Open communication and transparency about financial matters are essential for maintaining trust. A property management company should provide regular financial reports and be responsive to queries and concerns.


Choosing the right property management company, like 3PM Real Estate Services Inc, is crucial for the financial health of your property. Their ability to identify and correct financial discrepancies can lead to significant savings and a trustworthy, transparent relationship. As demonstrated by the client testimonials, 3PM's dedication to their clients' best interests makes them a standout choice in the property management industry.

📆 30 min Discovery call with Jimmy

This complimentary session, we delve into the qualifications, experience, and aspirations of prospective property managers considering a career with our company. This session provides a comprehensive overview of our company culture, values, and the expectations we have for our property management team. We'll discuss the specific skills and experiences that make a successful property manager, our approach to property management, client relations, and how we support our team's growth and professional development.


How does 3PM Real Estate Services Inc ensure financial accuracy?

What steps does 3PM take when a financial discrepancy is discovered?

How can property owners benefit from choosing 3PM Real Estate Services Inc?

What makes 3PM Real Estate Services different from other property management companies?

How important are client testimonials in evaluating a property management company?